Friday, October 27, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Report from the Zambezi trip September 2006

Laurence and i were sitting above rapid number 5 on the Zambezi just last week and realized its been 17 years since we first guided on the Zambezi and here we are again dropping into the best rapids in the world. We thanked the Zambezi river god Nyami Nyami for all the safe passages,we peeled out of the eddy, and dropped into number 5 with huge smiles! We co-trip lead our September 16th Zambezi trip and lead 22 people down the mighty Zambezi. The trip went off without a hitch and everyone had a great time.

I realize there has been alot of bad news coming out of Zimbabwe but the country is still safe as ever, the people are some of the friendliest and most helpful in the world and this is still a great time to visit Zimbabwe. Tourism has dropped off because of all the bad economic news, but there is no resistance movement in Zimbabwe and the locals are depending more than ever on the tourist dollar.In fact this is even a better time to go because it is less crowded and you get more personal service. We have considered moving our base to Zambia on the other side of the river but for now everything is still a go in Zimbabwe! In many ways it is like returning home for us because we have made so many good friends and contacts in Zimbabwe.

Bio Bio Expeditions along with the help of a few clients brought over a handful of kayaks and all the necessary gear and started a free kayak school for any local that wants to learn to kayak. This will provide a fresh stream of new talented kayakers able to work and provide safety for future rafting expeditions.

Our trips are planned for September 2007 and we hope that if you have ever dreamed of rafting and going on safari in Africa you will join us in 2007!

Warmest regards,
Marc Goddard